Experienced Work Injury Lawyers Houston


Top Rated & Experienced Work Injury Lawyers Houston

An injury at work can have some severe consequences. Not only could you be left with long-term or permanent injuries, but there could be some financial effects that have a lasting impact on you and your family. 

If you are injured at work, the good news is that some help is available to get the compensation you deserve. It can be a complicated process, but the work injury lawyers at Heard are here to help you with your personal injury lawsuit.

Types of personal injuries at work

Workplace injuries happen every day. They can happen in offices, construction sites, and retail spaces, leading to all kinds of injuries. An experienced injury lawyer like Heard will be able to deal with all kinds of workplace injuries, including:


No matter where you work, if you suffer an accident that wasn’t your fault, then you could have grounds for compensation with the help of a personal injury lawyer. 

Personal injuries at work: your options

Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be a stressful and uncertain time. By exploring your options for compensation, you can make sure you get the help you need following your workplace injury. 

If you’ve been injured at work, you may wish to pursue one of the following options:

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a type of benefit paid out by your employer in the event of a workplace injury. If you receive workers’ compensation, you will not be able to recover further compensation from your employer. Although we do not cover workers’ compensation claims, we can examine your injury details for potential legal compensation.

File a lawsuit

A personal injury lawsuit is a way to help you claim compensation for your injuries and their associated financial cost. You may be able to claim for medical expenses, loss of earnings, future losses and other reasonable expenses as the result of your injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to take you through the process to ensure you get fair compensation for your accident.

Compensation against a third party

If there was a third party involved in your accident, such as a service provider or supplier, you may be able to seek compensation via a lawsuit. You can claim compensation against a third party even if you received a Workers’ Compensation benefit from your employer.

At Heard, you can discuss your options with one of our work injury lawyers to work out the best approach for your circumstances. Contact us today or call us toll-free at 713-665-1100.

Is a workers’ compensation claim right for you?

Many employers have a Workers’ Compensation benefit in place that is paid out to employees who are involved in an accident at work. In Texas, a workers’ compensation claim will typically involve a medical examination from a company-appointed doctor to assess your injuries and prognosis. Doing this means your employer could actively seek to reduce any benefits you are due, something that could have a significant impact on your recovery and future.

Why a personal injury claim is different

Making a personal injury claim is a different type of claim from that of a workers’ compensation claim. Using experienced work injury lawyers in Houston, Texas, you can pursue legal action to claim for your injuries and all of your associated expenses. You’ll get to choose your doctor and get a fair assessment of your injuries so that you can make a full claim for damages. 

With a personal injury lawyer working for you, you can recover the costs of your injuries, pain and suffering and the mental impact of your accident. There is also your loss of earnings and future economic damages that could arise as a result of your accident. 

To help you get the full compensation you deserve, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit is the best course of action, putting you in control for the best outcome for you and your family.

The benefits of using a personal injury lawyer in Houston

There are many benefits of working with a Heard, including:

Over 25 years of combined legal experience

Our legal experts have more than 25 years of combined experience, working across a variety of cases to help establish Heard as one of the top choices for personal injury lawyers in Houston. 

Experienced trial lawyers to pursue your case

Our lawyers are experts in dealing with personal injury claims, working hard to represent those who have been injured due to negligence or the recklessness of others. We understand that dealing with an accident is a tough time for the victim and their families, and our work can help in some way to make things easier.

Working with our lawyers means you can focus on your recovery while we take care of the paperwork and legal process. We want you to secure the full compensation you deserve for your injuries, and will work hard to make that happen.

Our lawyers are here to answer any questions you may have and to put you at ease throughout this process. 

Free case evaluation

Unsure if you have grounds for a work injury claim? Heard provides a free case evaluation to determine if your case has merit. A free case evaluation means you have nothing to lose by making an enquiry, so even if you’re unsure, get in touch, and we can take a look at your case.

Having a free case evaluation can give you an assessment of how much your claim is worth, allowing you to receive compensation under Texas law for economic and non-economic damages. From the cost of your medical bills to the pain and suffering caused by your accident, there is a value attached to your claim. We know this can’t take back what has happened, but we hope it will give you some comfort and allow you and your family to get back on your feet.

Nothing to pay if we don’t win. 

We’re confident that when we take on your case, it’s because you have a strong chance of success to get your compensation and justice for what’s happened to you. That’s why we have a policy that ensures you have nothing to pay if you lose, giving you peace of mind that you won’t be left in financial hardship by pursuing a claim.

Our lawyers want to do what’s right for you, providing the best service and legal advice to help you with your claim for compensation.

What work injury compensation can you claim for?

Your claim is made up of multiple factors that will cover the cost of your workplace injuries and more. Some of the things you can claim for include:

Economic damages

  • Current medical expenses
  • Future lost earning capacity
  • Future medical expenses
  • Home and vehicle accessibility modifications
  • Long-term home healthcare
  • Lost wages and benefits for time missed
  • Prescription medication costs
  • Prosthetics and assistive devices
  • Travel to and from medical appointments
  • Other recoverable economic damages

Non-economic damages

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Embarrassment and humiliation
  • Other recoverable non-economic damages

In rare circumstances, you may also be able to pursue damages under TX Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.001 if the responsible party committed an act deemed grossly negligible. This would have to go to a jury trial, and our lawyers will be able to determine if this is the right cause of action for your case.

Work injury claims can be complex, and it’s important that you know the full extent of what you can claim. Heard will advise you on the different elements of your claim to ensure everything is accounted for. With our long experience in handling work injury claims, we can make sure the full amount of compensation you deserve is pursued. 

Why choose Heard for work injury compensation claims in Houston?

As one of the leading personal injury law firms in Houston, Texas, Heard is a trusted choice for lawyers to represent you. We work with clients across Houston who have suffered accidents at work, in addition to claims for catastrophic injuries, car wrecks, construction injuries and more. We work with clients from all walks of life and have the experience necessary to take on your claim.

Our lawyers are experts in personal injury law, understanding what is and isn’t possible under Texas law. We’re here for any questions you may have, and with our free case evaluation, you can learn more about our services before you commit to our legal services 

Don’t delay, contact Heard today

An injury at work could have lifelong consequences for you and your family. Seek the compensation you deserve to help your recovery and repay those out-of-pocket expenses that could be adding further stress to your situation.

Contact Heard today for a free case evaluation at 713-665-1100.

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